Glastonbury Festival, more than just a music festival, the event that creates conversations, encourages activism and inspires festival goers to think about our world and the environment.

I was very lucky to head to the festival this year (of course bringing ekologik Washing Up Pods!).

The event hosted a variety of exhibits focusing on our climate emergency, an enlightening talk by Greta Thunberg and not to forget the ‘leave no trace’ message, symbolised by the colourful recycling bins found onsite and statement posters.


glastonbury sustainable ekologik

In 2019, Glastonbury banned the sale of single-use plastic bottles. This initiative has since saved over 1 million plastic bottles from reaching landfill and has inspired all festival goers to think more about our daily plastic consumption.

Glastonbury has always been at the forefront putting a spotlight on environmental concerns. In 2009, when I first visited the festival at the age of 14, I remember an exhibit on ocean plastic. The display first opened my eyes to plastic pollution and undoubtably influnenced my decision to work in the sustainability space.

glastonbury sustainable


I also bumped into our friends Peequal - the sustainable, safer and quicker peeing solution for woman. Research conducted by peequal highlighted that in the UK woman spend 34 times longer queueing for public loos than men do.

An inclusive festival that amplifies environmental and social issues to the masses.

I’ve left energised and enlightened about the future, but really in need of some sleep!


Kaye x

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