To continue our Sustainability Spotlight series, we interviewed a new and exciting stockist - A Better Weigh, Clevedon. Laura and Martin run their family business across a gorgeous refill shop and a deli on Clevedon high street. We admire what they are doing, providing plastic free solutions for their customers and a hub for sustainability. We interviewed Laura about their business.
Q: What made you start A Better Weigh?
A: We were both feeling a bit fed up in our jobs and always said we would like to do something together. Laura has a passion for food and we were also becoming increasingly aware of the problem of single use plastic so when we heard about the 'first zero waste shop' that had opened in Totnes, we knew it was something we wanted to bring to our own town. We started researching and visited new zero waste shops in Bristol and beyond and took it from there!


Q: What do you think is the easiest sustainable swap someone can make?

A: I think cleaning products are a great place to start. Everyone uses washing up liquid so we encourage people to make 'just one swap' and bring an empty bottle to refill. From there, people see how easy and satisfying it is and come back with more bottles. Since we opened 3 years ago, we have refilled over 16000 bottles with cleaning products so it's definitely worth doing!


Q: What is a swap that people find difficult to make?

A: Customers can be skeptical that our eco-friendly products will work as well as their well known brands however, once they try, they are amazed how well they work and how much cheaper these products can be!


Q: What's your favourite part of running your plastic-free shop?

A: Without doubt, it's the customers. We had no idea when we opened that we would get to know so many lovely and supportive people who now feel like real friends and it was particularly apparent during the pandemic how much people appreciated being able to come in for a chat or get food delivered to their door. We were privileged to be able to keep trading during that difficult time.


Q: What's your most popular product on your website?

A: That's a difficult one! During the pandemic we delivered hundreds of kilos of flour and loads of chocolate snacks! In the shop, our best sellers are milk in glass bottles, hair care products and cleaning product refills.


Q: Thank you for stocking ekologik, what do you/ your customers say/like about our products?

A: They love the fact that they are locally made by a small business and the convenience of being able to pick up a pack to take home without needing to remember to bring their empty bottle with them to the shop. Customers are becoming increasingly environmentally aware so the non-toxic ingredients are a big selling point too.


Thanks so much to Laura for answering our questions, what a gorgeous insight into their family business. You can order delivery from A Better Weigh via the site Good Sixty, here. Thanks again and keep up the good work!

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